We started in January 2011. It began when I (JoJo) made a crochet, felted purse for Secret Santa at work. Then our mom gave us Kindles for Christmas 2010. I made cases for mine and Lolli's Kindles. Everyone said I should sell the stuff I crocheted. I happened upon Etsy, when searching for kindle cases on the Internet.
So, one night I mentioned the site to Lolli and we decided to start a shop. We had so many ideas and thought it would be something fun to do in our spare time. At the time I was a full time chemist and Lolli an attorney. We started with just a few crocheted items, then started adding jewelry and all sorts of other things.
I soon bought a sewing machine and taught myself how to sew. Those were some interesting days. This is when we introduced sewn electronic covers to our shop. We started out slow and took our time to perfect our cases. Christmas 2011, saw our shop sales increase significantly due to our kindle cases. Christmas eve I purchased my first iPad, and made our first iPad stand case for it and immediately listed it. Since that holiday season we have not slowed down. We have actually continued to grow as we add more products to our shop.
With both of us working full time then coming home and working on Etsy full time, it became overwhelming. So, in June 2012 I left my job and am devoting all of my time on The2SistersShoppe. So now I have all my time to create new fun things.
We love to create new things. A good deal of our products listed are due to custom orders. Customers ask for a case we have but like this instead of that, or with this fabric instead of that. So, if you have something in mind, don't hesitate to ask, we just may be able to do it.
Meet the Crew
I am a self professed Apple addict. The first and only computers I have owned have been Macs. I have turned most of my family into Apple "snobs" as well. We love them. I take this obsession and use it to create unique, functional, stylish, non-boring cases for electronics. I also love my Kindle. I liked keeping my real books on shelves before, but the Kindle is so much easier to pack around when traveling. Nowadays, I am so busy making cases for other peoples ereaders, I don't get much time to read mine.
I have a Bachelors degree in Biomedical Science. I also had a job as a Quality Assurance Officer for an Environmental lab. That is until our little shop got bigger, and bigger, and bigger. I am now a full time crafter and designer. I work from home and enjoy every minute of it (Well almost every minute. There's always those days). I enjoy creating new things and am always working on at least a dozen projects, that may or may not get finished.
I am a self professed movie geek who's day job is an attorney. (I know you are thinking of all the attorney jokes you ever heard right now). I love the outdoors and would rather be hiking, boating, or fishing instead of anything else, especially in my home state of Alaska. I like to think of crazy outrageous designs and ideas and act like JoJo is being ridiculous when she says she can't possibly make it. I like to make jewelry and tutus and love to plan parties. So far no one has paid me for my excellent party planning (cheapos).
I am the resident artist. Art is my life. I have been drawing since I could pick up a crayon. I love anime and draw it for pure pleasure. I can draw anime, portraits, animals, etc. I am only truly happy when working on my art. I am currently seeking a degree in Graphic Design.